The Habitat Foundation

Beyond Mimo's Tree by Anak Rimba Books
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Mimo, a baby Dusky Leaf Monkey, has never left his tree. One day, Mimo finds himself all alone when his family unintentionally leaves him behind. Just when things start to seem scary, a little bee comes to his aid. Together, they go on a little adventure and discover that even the grandest things in life start out small. This children's book is perfect for 5-8 year olds. Activity colouring page is also included.
Mimo merupakan seekor anak Lutong Cengkung. Ia tidak pernah meninggalkan pokoknya. Suatu hari, keluarganya secara tidak sengaja meninggalkan Mimo bersendirian. Namun, seekor lebah kecil muncul dan menghulurkan pertolongan. Mimo dan Si Lebah kemudian memulakan pengembaraan bersama dan menemui setiap perkara besar bermula dengan sesuatu yang kecil.
ISBN Number: 978-967-15123-9-5
Published Date: 2024
Size: 22cm x 22cm
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