Here we go...a new chapter. Kommune is who we are; a conscious lifestyle hub aimed to bring together like-minded people as a community to do good, live good and spread good. Our name is a deliberate ode to what we strongly feel.
You may know us as part of The Habitat Penang Hill. We are the lifestyle hub that has been bringing you products that are sustainably made, eco-friendly and from community-based small businesses. Our commitment hasn't changed; it just got stronger.
So, this isn't exactly a new start per se. Perhaps, a reset. A resetting of our focus and efforts.
When we set out on thinking what to name us, the anchor of it all was always about sustainability and conservation; the driver was how we 'do it together'. It's the collective effort that will go the long way. And that's how Kommune was born.
We are also glad to have our Kommunity of artisans backing us in our endeavours. You'll be seeing their stories and their products in our featured articles here in the coming months. Do look out for it and show some love to them 🙌🏼
As always, excited to have you join us here and can't wait to bring you more eco- conscious lifestyle products.
Stay tune.
Kommune Krew.